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Still, Mikael. 2020.
Rantaraittilunastus ruotsalaisittain - Ruotsissa(kaan) tontin kaikki neliöt eivät ole samanarvoisia. Maankäyttö, (4).
Tian, Wenxin; Tang, Lingli; Jiang, Changhui; Hu, Peilun et al. 2020.
Intensity data correction method based on incidence angle effect for Hyperspectral LiDAR. Optical Society of China.
Toikka, Akseli; Willberg, Elias; Mäkinen, Ville; Toivonen, Tuuli et al. 2020.
The green view dataset for the capital of Finland, Helsinki. Data in brief, 20, 105601.
Vaaja, Matti; Maksimainen, Mikko; Kurkela, Matti; Virtanen, Juho-Pekka et al. 2020.
Approaches for Mapping Night-Time Road Environment Lighting Conditions. Copernicus Publications. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 5(1).
Vallet Garcia, José M.. 2020.
Characterization of the Log-Normal Model for Received Signal Strength. MDPI. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, special issue on Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, 9(1), 12.
Vilà-Valls, Jordi; Linty, Nicola; Closas, Pau; Dovis, Fabio et al. 2020.
Survey on signal processing for GNSS under ionospheric scintillation: Detection, monitoring, and mitigation. Navigation - Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 67(3).
Vilppola, Maria. 2020.
Hyödynnätkö jo Paikkatietoalustan palveluita?. Positio, (1).
Vilppola, Maria. 2020.
Unelmana huvila ja huussi – mahdollisimman helposti. Positio, (2).
Vinkovic, Dejan; Gritsevich, Maria. 2020.
The Challenges in Hypervelocity Microphysics Research on Meteoroid Impacts into the Atmosphere. Geografski Inst. Jovan Cvijic Sasa. Zbornik radova - Geografski institut "Jovan Cvijić", 70(1).
Virtanen, Juho-Pekka; Daniel, Sylvie; Turppa, Tuomas; Zhu, Lingli et al. 2020.
Interactive dense point clouds in a game engine. Elsevier. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 163.
Virtanen, Juho-Pekka; Julin, Arttu; Handolin, Hannu; Rantanen, Toni et al. 2020.
Interactive Geo-Information in Virtual Reality – Observations and Future Challenges. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, 44.
Väisänen, Timo; Markkanen, J.; Hadamcik, E.; Benard, J.-B. et al. 2020.
Scattering of light by a large, densely packed agglomerate of small silica spheres. Optical Society of America. Optics letters, 45(7).
Väisänen, Timo; Martikainen, Julia; Muinonen, Karri. 2020.
Scattering of light by dense particulate media in the geometric optics regime. Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer, 241, 106719.
Wu, Shuqing; Feng, Jinyang; Li, Chunjian; Su, Duowu et al. 2020.
The results of CCM.G-K2.2017 key comparison. IOP Publishing. Metrologia, 57(1A), 07002.
Wu, Zhiyong; Chen, Feiliang; Xuan, Zhiyi; Chen, Yuwei et al. 2020.
High energy efficient and thermally stable solar selective absorber constructed with TiNxOy based multilayers. Optical Society of America. Optical Materials Express, 10(3).
Xu, Guanglang; Gritsevich, Maria; Peltoniemi, Jouni; Penttilä, Antti et al. 2020.
Spectral Reflectance Processing via Local Wavelength-Direction Correlations. IEEE. IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters, 17(6).
Xu, Guanglang; Muinonen, Karri. 2020.
Radiation fields in radiative transfer: spherical-wavelet representation. Elsevier. Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer, 243, 106821.
Xue, Weixing; Yu, Kegen; Li, Qingquan; Zhou, Baoding et al. 2020.
Eight-Diagram Based Access Point Selection Algorithm for Indoor Localization. IEEE. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11).
Yan, Lei; Li, Yanfei; Chandrasekar, V.; Motimer, Hugh et al. 2020.
General review of optical polarization remote sensing. Taylor & Francis. International Journal of Remote Sensing.
Yao, Haiyun; Shu, Hong; Liang, Xinlian; Yan, Hongji et al. 2020.
Integrity Monitoring for Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons RSSI Based Indoor Positioning. IEEE. IEEE Access, 8.
Ye, WenFang; Qian, Chuang; Tang, Jian; Liu, Hui et al. 2020.
Improved 3D Stem Mapping Method and Elliptic Hypothesis-Based DBH Estimation from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 12(3), 352.
Yin, Deyu; Zhang, Qian; Liu, Jingbin; Liang, Xinlian et al. 2020.
Interest point detection from multi‐beam light detection and ranging point cloud using unsupervised convolutional neural network. Wiley-IEEE Press. IET Image Processing, ipr2.12027.
Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Luoma, Ville; Saarinen, Ninni; Kankare, Ville et al. 2020.
Structural Changes in Boreal Forests Can Be Quantified Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Remote sensing, 12(17).
Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Saarinen, Ninni; Kankare, Ville; Hynynen, Jari et al. 2020.
Performance of terrestrial laser scanning to characterize managed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands is dependent on forest structural variation. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 168.
Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Saarinen, Ninni; Kankare, Ville; Viljanen, Niko et al. 2020.
Multisensorial Close-Range Sensing Generates Benefits for Characterization of Managed Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Stands. Isprs international journal of geo-information, 9(5), 309.
Yu, Xiaowei; Kukko, Antero; Kaartinen, Harri; Wang, Yunsheng et al. 2020.
Comparing features of single and multi-photon lidar in boreal forests. Elsevier. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 168.
Zhang, Wuming; Cai, Shangshu; Liang, Xinlian; Shao, Jie et al. 2020.
Cloth simulation-based construction of pit-free canopy height models from airborne LiDAR data. Springer. Forest Ecosystems, 7, 1.
Zhao, Xinchao; Yan, Yanhong; Cui, Zhuangzhuang; Liu, Feng et al. 2020.
Realization of strong coupling between 2D excitons and cavity photons at room temperature. Optical Society of America (OSA). Optics Letters, 45(24).
Zhou, Hui; Chen, Yuwei; Hu, Nan; Dong, Yuandan et al. 2020.
The Determination of Effective Beamwidth of Ku Band Profiling Radar Based on Waveform Matching Method in the Boreal Forest of Finland. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 12(17), 2710.
Zhou, Hui; Li, Song; Zhang, Wenhao; Chen, Yuwei. 2020.
Far-field diffraction pattern of a nonideal retroreflector for polarized light with an oblique incidence. Optical Society of America. Applied Optics, 59(8).
Zhu, Kai; Guo, Xuan; Jiang, Changhui; Xue, Yujingyang et al. 2020.
MIMU/Odometer Fusion with State Constraints for Vehicle Positioning during BeiDou Signal Outage: Testing and Results. Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI). Sensors, 20(8), 2302.


Ahlavuo, Marika; Hyyppä, Hannu; Kukko, Antero; Kaartinen, Harri et al. 2019.
Mitä jos Suomessa käy "Notre Damet". Maankäyttö, (2).
Berveglieri, Adilson; Garcia Tommaselli, Antonio Maria; Santos, Lucas Dias; Honkavaara, Eija. 2019.
Bundle Adjustment of a Time-Sequential Spectral Camera Using Polynomial Models. IEEE. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(11).
Bhuiyan, M.Z.H.; Ferrara, N.G.; Thombre, S.; Hashemi, A. et al. 2019.
H2020 STRIKE3: Standardization of Interference Threat Monitoring and Receiver Testing - Significant Achievements and Impact. European Microwave Association.
Bhuiyan, Mohammad Zahidul H.; Ferrara, Nunzia Giorgia; Hashemi, Amin; Thombre, Sarang et al. 2019.
Impact Analysis of Standardized GNSS Receiver Testing against Real-World Interferences Detected at Live Monitoring Sites. MDPI. Sensors, 19(6).
Blomberg, Leo; Harju, Erkki-Sakari; Keisteri, Tapio; Korhonen, Juha et al. 2019.
Kartasta paikkatietoon - digitalisaation kehitys Maanmittauslaitoksessa ja Merenkulkulaitoksessa 1960-2000. Kustannusosakeyhtiö AtlasArt.
Cai, Shangshu; Zhang, Wuming; Liang, Xinlian; Wan, Peng et al. 2019.
Filtering airborne LiDAR data through complementary cloth simulation and progressive TIN densification filters. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 11(9), 1037.
Campos, Mariana Batista; Garcia Tommaselli, Antonio Maria; Castanheiro, Leticia Ferrari; Alves de Oliveira, Raquel et al. 2019.
A Fisheye Image Matching Method Boosted by Recursive Search Space for Close Range Photogrammetry. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 11(12), 1404.
Cellino, A.; Hestroffer, D.; Lu, X.-P.; Muinonen, Karri et al. 2019.
Inversion of HIPPARCOS and Gaia photometric data for asteroids Asteroid rotational properties from sparse photometric data. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and astrophysics, 631, A67.
Chen, Wei; Bai, Shuang; Wang, Dexuan; Zhao, Haimeng et al. 2019.
Aerosol-induced changes in sky polarization pattern: potential hint on applications in polarimetric remote sensing. Taylor & Francis. International Journal of Remote Sensing.
Chen, X.; Wu, M.; Liu, X.; Wang, D. et al. 2019.
Tuning the Doping Ratio and Phase Transition Temperature of VO2 Thin Film by Dual-Target Co-Sputtering. Nanomaterials, 9(6).
Chen, Yuwei; Li, Wei; Hyyppä, Juha; Wang, Ning et al. 2019.
A 10-nm Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR System Based on an Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter. MDPI. Sensors, 19(7), 1620.
Collin, Jussi; Davidson, Pavel; Kirkko-Jaakkola, Martti; Leppäkoski, Helena. 2019.
Inertial Sensors and Their Applications. Springer.
Cristodaro, Calogero; Falco, Gianluca; Ruotsalainen, Laura; Dovis, Fabio. 2019.
On the Use of an Ultra-Tight Integration for Robust Navigation in Jammed Scenarios. Institute of Navigation. Proceedings of the Satellite Division's International Technical Meeting.
Dai, Wenxia; Yang, Bisheng; Liang, Xinlian; Dong, Zhen et al. 2019.
Automated fusion of forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds through canopy density analysis. Elsevier Science Publishers. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 156.
Ding, Anxin; Jiao, Ziti; Dong, Yadong; Zhang, Xiaoning et al. 2019.
Evaluation of the Snow Albedo Retrieved from the Snow Kernel Improved the Ross-Roujean BRDF Mode. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 11(13), 1611.
Du, Song; Li, Xiaohui; Liu, Zhaoyan; Chen, Yuwei et al. 2019.
Radiometric characteristics of the intensity data of laser scanner. Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Science, 36(3).
Forsström, Petri; Peltoniemi, Jouni; Rautiainen, Miina. 2019.
Seasonal dynamics of lingonberry and blueberry spectra. Finnish Society of Forest Science. Silva fennica, 53(2), 10150.
Franceschini, Marston Héracles Domingues; Bartholomeus, Harm; van Apeldoorn, Dirk Frederik; Suomalainen, Juha et al. 2019.
Feasibility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Optical Imagery for Early Detection and Severity Assessment of Late Blight in Potato. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 11(3), 224.