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Nikander, Juho. 2022.
Lunastustoimitus täyden palvelun ratkaisuna katualueiden maanhankinnassa. Maankäyttö, (2).
Odoyi, Emmanuel Joseph; Riekkinen, Kirsikka. 2022.
Housing Policy : An Analysis of Public Housing Policy Strategies for Low-Income Earners in Nigeria. MDPI AG. Sustainability, 14(4), 2258.
Pellikka, Havu; Johansson, Milla; Nordman, Maaria; Ruosteenoja, Kimmo. 2022.
Merenpinnan nousu Suomessa: historiallinen trendi ja uusimmat ennusteet. Geofysiikan seura.
Peltoniemi, Jouni I.; Zubko, Nataliya; Virkki, Anne K.; Gritsevich, Maria et al. 2022.
Light scattering model for small space debris particles. Elsevier BV. Advances in space research, 70(10).
Penttilä, Antti; Muinonen, Karri; Ihalainen, Olli Petteri; Uvarova, Elizaveta et al. 2022.
Temporal Variation of the Shortwave Spherical Albedo of the Earth. Frontiers in remote sensing, 3, 790723.
Pohjavirta, Onni; Liang, Xinlian; Wang, Yunsheng; Kukko, Antero et al. 2022.
Automated registration of wide-baseline point clouds in forests using discrete overlap search. Elsevier BV. Forest ecosystems, 9, 100080.
Pollinger, Florian; Courde, Clément; Eschelbach, Cornelia; García-Asenjo, Luis et al. 2022.
Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology for Geodesy—First Results from the European GeoMetre Project. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Cham. International Association of Geodesy symposia, 154.
Poorazimy, Maryam; Ronoud, Ghasem; Yu, Xiaowei; Luoma, Ville et al. 2022.
Feasibility of Bi-Temporal Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Detecting Species-Specific Individual Tree Crown Growth of Boreal Forests. Remote sensing, 14(19), 4845.
Poutanen, Markku. 2022.
Obituary: Steve Kenyon 1957–2021. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Journal of Geodesy, 96(4), 16.
Poutanen, Markku. 2022.
Past-Present-Future: Everlasting Challenges of Geodesy. Leibnitz Sozietät. Leibniz Online. Zeitschrift der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V., 45.
Poutanen, Markku. 2022.
Avaruudessa vaeltaa Tähtiseuraursa. Tähtitieteellinen yhdistys Ursa. Tähdet ja avaruus, 2022(4).
Poutanen, Markku; Bilker-Koivula, Mirjam; Eskelinen, Joona; Kallio, Ulla et al. 2022.
Metsähovi Geodetic Research Station. Geofysiikan seura.
Poutanen, Markku; Koivula, Hannu; Näränen, Jyri. 2022.
Opening of the Metsähovi Geodetic Research Station. International Association of Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy Newsletter, (September/October).
Poutanen, Markku; Koskinen, Jarkko. 2022.
Juhani Kakkuri 1933-2022. Ylijohtaja ja tunnettu tiedemies. Helsingin sanomat, (25.8.2022).
Poutanen, Markku; Kuusniemi, Heidi; Lachapelle, Gérard. 2022.
Obituary, Juhani Kakkuri. International Association of Geodesy. International Association of Geodesy Newsletter, (August/September).
Prol, Fabricio dos Santos. 2022.
Challenges of Global-Scale Ionospheric Tomography using GNSS: A brief overview.
Prol, Fabricio S. ; Morales Ferre, Ruben; Saleem, Zainab ; Välisuo, Petri et al. 2022.
Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Through Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites: A Survey on Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities. IEEE access, 10.
Prol, Fabricio S.; Hoque, Mohammed Mainul. 2022.
A Tomographic Method for the Reconstruction of the Plasmasphere Based on COSMIC/ FORMOSAT-3 Data. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15.
Prol, Fabricio S.; Smirnov, Artem G.; Hoque, M. Mainul; Shprits, Yuri Y.. 2022.
Combined model of topside ionosphere and plasmasphere derived from radio-occultation and Van Allen Probes data. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Scientific Reports, 12, 9732.
Puustinen, Tuulia; Krigsholm, Pauliina; Falkenbach, Heidi. 2022.
Land policy conflict profiles for different densification types : A literature-based approach. Elsevier. Land use policy, 123, 106405.
Puustinen, Tuulia; Krigsholm, Pauliina; Lönnroth, Tea; Falkenbach, Heidi. 2022.
Katse kohti erilaisia täydennysrakentamistyyppejä ja niihin liittyviä maapoliittisia konflikteja : maapolitiikka täydennysrakentamisen edistämisestä. Maankäyttö, (1).
Riekkinen, Kirsikka; Penkkilä, Olga; Krigsholm, Pauliina; Ekroos, Ari et al. 2022.
Huoltovarmuuden turvaaminen osana kiinteistöomaisuuden valvontaa. Valtioneuvoston kanslia, Helsinki. Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja.
Ronoud, Ghasem; Poorazimy, Maryam; Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Luoma, Ville et al. 2022.
Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Assessing the Effect of Different Thinning Treatments on the Competition of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Forests. MDPI AG. Remote sensing, 14(20), 5196.
Rönneberg, Mikko. 2022.
Approach for creating useful, gamified and social map applications utilising privacy-preserving crowdsourcing. Aalto University.
Rönnholm, P.; Wittke, S.; Ingman, M.; Putkiranta, P. et al. 2022.
UTILISING SIMULATED TREE DATA TO TRAIN SUPERVISED CLASSIFIERS. Copernicus GmbH. International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, 43.
Saari, Timo. 2022.
Investigations of geoid models in Finland - Towards GNSS-related height system. Aalto University.
Saarinen, Ninni; Kankare, Ville; Huuskonen, Saija; Hynynen, Jari et al. 2022.
Effects of stem density on crown architecture of Scots pine trees. Frontiers in plant science, 13, 817792.
Salmela, Jouni; Saarni, Saija; Blåfield, Linnea; Katainen, Markus et al. 2022.
Comparison of cold season sedimentation dynamics in the non-tidal estuary of the Northern Baltic Sea. Elsevier. Marine geology, 443, 106701.
Santos, Lucas D.; Tommaselli, Antonio M.G.; Berveglieri, Adilson; Imai, Nilton N. et al. 2022.
Geometric calibration of a hyperspectral frame camera with simultaneous determination of sensors misalignment. Elsevier BV. ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 4, 100015.
Shao, Hui; Cao, Zheng; Li, Wei; Chen, Yuwei et al. 2022.
Feasibility Study of Wood-Leaf Separation Based on Hyperspectral LiDAR Technology in Indoor Circumstances. IEEE. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 15.
Shao, Hui; Sa, Beining; Li, Wei; Chen, Yuwei et al. 2022.
A design and implementation of full waveform hyperspectral LiDAR for ancient architecture modelling. China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Limited. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 51(8), 20210786.
Siemuri, Akpojoto; Elsanhoury, Mahmoud; Välisuo, Petri; Kuusniemi, Heidi et al. 2022.
Application of Machine Learning to GNSS/IMU Integration for High Precision Positioning on Smartphones. Institute of Navigation. ION GNSS+, The International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation.
Siemuri, Akpojoto; Selvan, Kannan; Kuusniemi, Heidi; Valisuo, Petri et al. 2022.
A Systematic Review of Machine Learning Techniques for GNSS Use Cases. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, 58(6).
Simula, J.; Holopainen, Markus; Imangholiloo, Mohammad. 2022.
UTILIZING SINGLE PHOTON LASER SCANNING DATA FOR ESTIMATING INDIVIDUAL TREE ATTRIBUTES. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-2-2022.
Skyttä, Pietari; Nikkilä, Kaisa; Heilimo, Esa; Kukkonen, Ilmo et al. 2022.
Lithosphere 2022. Twelfth symposium on the structure, composition and evolution of the lithosphere. Programme and extended abstracts. University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
Soininen, Valtteri; Kukko, Antero; Yu, Xiaowei; Kaartinen, Harri et al. 2022.
Predicting Growth of Individual Trees Directly and Indirectly Using 20-Year Bitemporal Airborne Laser Scanning Point Cloud Data. MDPI AG. Forests, 13(12), 2040.
Spogli, Luca; Ghobadi, Hossein; Cicone, Antonio; Alfonsi, Lucilla et al. 2022.
Adaptive Phase Detrending for GNSS Scintillation Detection: A Case Study Over Antarctica. IEEE. IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters, 19, 8009905.
Sun, Haibin; Liu, Xiaolong; Zhao, Li; Jia, Jianxin et al. 2022.
Mid-long wavelength infrared absorptance of hyperdoped silicon via femtosecond laser microstructuring. Optica Publishing Group. Optics express, 30(2).
Sun, Haibin; Wang, Zhen; Chen, Yuwei; Tian, Wenxin et al. 2022.
Preliminary verification of hyperspectral LiDAR covering VIS-NIR-SWIR used for objects classification. Informa UK Limited. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 55(1).
Söderholm, Stefan; Bhuiyan, M. Zahidul H.; Ferrara, Giorgia; Thombre, Sarang et al. 2022.
A Multi-GNSS Software Receiver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. GNSS Software Receivers.
Taher, Josef; Hakala, Teemu; Jaakkola, Anttoni; Hyyti, Heikki et al. 2022.
Feasibility of Hyperspectral Single Photon Lidar for Robust Autonomous Vehicle Perception. MDPI AG. Sensors, 22(15), 5759.
Thombre, Sarang; Bhuiyan, M. Zahidul H.; Söderholm, Stefan; Kuusniemi, Heidi. 2022.
NavIC L5 Receiver Processing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. GNSS Software Receivers.
Thombre, Sarang; Zhao, Zheng; Ramm-Schmidt, Henrik; Garcia, Jose M. Vallet et al. 2022.
Sensors and AI Techniques for Situational Awareness in Autonomous Ships: A Review. IEEE. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 23(1).
Tian, Wenxin; Tang, Lingli; Chen, Yuwei; Li, Ziyang et al. 2022.
Plant Species Classification Using Hyperspectral LiDAR with Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE. IEEE International geoscience and remote sensing symposium proceedings.
Tienaho, Noora; Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Kankare, Ville; Vastaranta, Mikko et al. 2022.
Assessing Structural Complexity of Individual Scots Pine Trees by Comparing Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Point Clouds. MDPI AG. Forests, 13(8), 1305.
Tolometti, G. D.; Neish, C. D.; Hamilton, C. W.; Osinski, G. R. et al. 2022.
Differentiating Fissure‐Fed Lava Flow Types and Facies Using RADAR and LiDAR: An Example From the 2014–2015 Holuhraun Lava Flow‐Field. American Geophysical Union (AGU). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(7), e2021JB023419.
Tommiska, Oskari Mikael; Mustonen, Joonas Aleksi; Moilanen, Petro; Rauhala, Timo et al. 2022.
FEM-based time-reversal technique for an ultrasonic cleaning application. Applied acoustics, 193, 108763.
Tähtikarhu, Mika; Räsänen, Timo; Oksanen, Juha; Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana. 2022.
Exploring structural sediment connectivity via surface runoff in agricultural lands of Finland. Informa UK Limited. Acta agriculturae scandinavica section B : soil and plant science, 72(1).
Varbla, Sander; Ågren, Jonas; Ellmann, Artu; Poutanen, Markku. 2022.
Treatment of Tide Gauge Time Series and Marine GNSS Measurements for Vertical Land Motion with Relevance to the Implementation of the Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000. MDPI. Remote sensing, 14(4), 920.
Varvia, P.; Korhonen, L.; Bruguière, A.; Toivonen, J. et al. 2022.
How to consider the effects of time of day, beam strength, and snow cover in ICESat-2 based estimation of boreal forest biomass?. Elsevier BV. Remote sensing of environment, 280, 113174.