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Importance of knowing carbon intake and water balance in different biomes is crucial for policy making when decisions are made to reduce effects of global climate change, deforestation and desertification, or to improve yields in forestry and agriculture. Large scale models of carbon intake and turnover times, and water balance are needed to support these decisions. Different models show large variance in their results due to complexity and size of the problems. Thus, there exists a constant need to improve the present models. This can be achieved with provision of better small scale references. The proposed project presents a novel concept to provide means to correlate ground level in-situ measurement results of individual tree carbon intake and water balance with remotely sensed data. This is achieved by monitoring geometrical changes in tree canopies with short interval laser scanning data (SILS). The results are further extended on wide areas using mobile and UAV laser scanning.

Contact persons
remote sensing
mobile mapping
change detection
Research groups
Funding organisation or partners
Academy of Finland