Previous projects
6Aika: Open city model as open innovation platform (AKAI)
The objective of the project is to develop an open innovative platform based on a collaborative 3D city model.
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Advanced Mission Concepts: R&D for robust EGNSS Timing Services
The project is investigating the possibilities of developing a robust timing service based on European Global Satellite Navigation Systems (EGNSS), using Galileo and EGNOS as a base.
Read moreRead more about Advanced Mission Concepts: R&D for robust EGNSS Timing Services -
Arctic Geoinvest CAGI
In the project Arctic Geoinvest, the aim is to create an innovation and development environment that enhances the use of arctic geoinnovations and their technical applications in the businesses. The focus research areas are arctic geosciences in the innovation centre.
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BONUS BASMATI – Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ecosystem Services
Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) requires a spatially explicit framework for decision-making, and on that background the overall objective of BONUS BASMATI is to develop integrated and innovative solutions for MSP from the local to the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) scale.
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COST SaPPART (Satellite Positioning Performance Assessment for Road Transport) is one of EU's COST Actions.
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CyberGrass -project introduces a new method for assessing the quality and quantity of grass fodder based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satellites.
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Development of ground based and Remote Sensing, automated ‘real-time’ grass quality measurement techniques to enhance grassland management information platforms (GrassQ)
The focus of this project is to develop and enable an intelligent system that will apply precision management to whole farm grassland and grazing systems.
Read moreRead more about Development of ground based and Remote Sensing, automated ‘real-time’ grass quality measurement techniques to enhance grassland management information platforms (GrassQ) -
Identification of unwanted species in seed multiplication and in pure oat cultivation
Read moreRead more about DrooniLuuppina -
EMRP SIB60 Metrology for long distance surveying
In EMRP SIB60 project we participate in the European Metrology Research Programme Joint Research Project “Metrology for long distance surveying”.
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Enhanced Situational Awareness to Improve Maritime Safety in the Baltic (ESABALT)
The ESABALT project is a feasibility study of an integrated system for enhancing maritime safety.
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ESRIUM is a multi-national project with the common goal to set up a service to foster greener and smarter road usage, road maintenance, and to increase road safety. The key innovation will be formed by a homogeneous, accurate and recent digital map of road surface damage and road wear. ESRIUM’s core proposition is a data platform, which hosts highly detailed EGNSS-referenced map data of road damage and associated safety risks at centimeter-level resolution. Further addressed as “road wear map”, it will contain unique information, which is of value to multiple stakeholders: road operators will be able to lower the road maintenance effort by optimal planning.
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European Location Framework (ELF)
The goal of the project is to develop the European Location Framework (ELF) required to provide up-to-date, authoritative, interoperable, cross-border, reference geo-information for use by the European public and private sectors.
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European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network (ESDIN)
ESDIN (European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network) is a Best Practice Network EU-project.
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Evaluation and demonstration of array database management systems using national geospatial data (RDA-ArrayDB)
In the project RDA-Array DB, we will evaluate two array database management systems (DBMSs) using national geospatial data. The aim is also to demonstrate, how those systems store and retrieve multidimensional geospatial information, and how they carry out simple geospatial analysis tasks.
Read moreRead more about Evaluation and demonstration of array database management systems using national geospatial data (RDA-ArrayDB) -
Finalising surveys for the Baltic motorways of the sea (FAMOS Odin)
The FAMOS project aims to improve the safety of marine transport by improving the depth data in the Baltic Sea.
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GeoE3 - A Geospatially Enabled Ecosystem for Europe
GeoE3 is a project co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union that will provide the vital connection between existing and emerging National, Regional and Cross-Border digital services.
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Geospatial info-mobility service by real-time data-integration and generalisation (GiMoDig)
In the project the research was done for delivering spatial data from the national topographic databases through network connections to mobile users.
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The Geospatial Statistical Data Integration Service, GSDIG, will address frequent needs to integrate and aggregate spatially located unit data from different sources and with statistical background information.
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Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services (HaptiMap)
The aim of this EU-funded (FP7) project is to develop multimodal location-based services (LBS) that are accessible also by special user groups and support their use of spatial information.
Read moreRead more about Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services (HaptiMap) -
High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products (FIX_8 )
High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products. FGI participated in the development of this Precise Point Positioning project.
Read moreRead more about High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products (FIX_8 ) -
Integration of a Regional Component to Galileo Global Component (IRC2G)
Integration of a Regional Component to Galileo Global Component, with demonstrations in Europe and in China.
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Intelligent Shipping Technology Test Laboratory (ISTLAB)
The goal of the project is to build a jointly used laboratory and innovation environment for the study and development of smart maritime transport.
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Project aims to develop the knowledge capital and preparedness of applying and utilizing 3D city modeling in 6Aika
cities and in the private sector.Read moreRead more about KAOS -
Large-scale dimensional measurements for geodesy (GeoMetre)
Geodetic reference frames form the backbone of all georeferencing services.
Read moreRead more about Large-scale dimensional measurements for geodesy (GeoMetre) -
LYSTRA - Awareness and activities in the World Natural Heritage Site High Coast and Kvarken Archipelago
The Lystra project will develop joint interpretation and tools to convey knowledge and information about the World Heritage Site High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago in Sweden and Finland. The main goal is to make sure the information includes the latest scientific findings, is easily accessible, engaging and is telling the story of the whole World Heritage Site in a uniform and excellent way in both countries.
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Remote sensing of Earth from space using the global observation system is the major means of obtaining the trustworthy data needed for climate change
Read moreRead more about MeteOC4 -
Opal Life
OPAL-Life started in 2015 and it aims at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture following the principle of sustainable intensification.
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Physical and virtual innovation platform of autonomous Last mile urban transportation (SOHJOA)
Project Sohjoa addresses the challenges of new economic growth industries as well as sustainable intelligent transportation development.
Read moreRead more about Physical and virtual innovation platform of autonomous Last mile urban transportation (SOHJOA) -
RehuDrooni-project studies drone based remote sensing methods and their prospects for enhancing sustainable development of cattle feed production
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Spatial Statistics on Web 2 - SSW2
The project aims at designing and implementing new methods to search for and to display geospatial analyses of statistical data.
Read moreRead more about Spatial Statistics on Web 2 - SSW2 -
Standardisation of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation STRIKE3
GNSS is being used for an ever increasing range of safety, security, business and policy critical applications.
Read moreRead more about Standardisation of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation STRIKE3 -
Strategic and Operational Risk Management for Wintertime Maritime Transportation System (STORMWINDS)
EU BONUS funded project that contributes to operational and strategic management of ecological risks to the Northern Baltic Sea.
Read moreRead more about Strategic and Operational Risk Management for Wintertime Maritime Transportation System (STORMWINDS) -
Support Grant for the Galileo Reference Centre
This project is a coordinated effort among four partners from three EU members states (Netherlands, Sweden and Finland). The consortium provides GRC access to a range of facilities and expertise at the member state level for Galileo service performance monitoring.
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The Advanced Techniques for Forest Biomass and Biomass Change Mapping Using Novel Combination of Active Remote Sensing Sensors (Advanced_SAR)
The Advanced Techniques for Forest Biomass and Biomass Change Mapping Using Novel Combination of Active Remote Sensing Sensors (Advanced_SAR) project
Read moreRead more about The Advanced Techniques for Forest Biomass and Biomass Change Mapping Using Novel Combination of Active Remote Sensing Sensors (Advanced_SAR) -
Wide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo (WARTK)
Wide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo. FGI’s main responsibility in this project was to develop a SISNeT client software that utilizes the ESA SISNeT data server to disseminate the real-time corrections for wide area RTK.
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